Sunday, 14 February 2016

Buddy Classes

Ruma Kiwi and Ruma Kea are Buddy classes this year. We are looking forward to sharing lots of exciting experiences together.
Sharing word games.

Buddy reading

Showing each other our reading activities.

Big people and smaller people work really well together!!


  1. Ruma Kea is very lucky to have you as a buddy class. What other activities are you thinking of learning and sharing with them? Ms Copping.

  2. Looks like you're having lots of fun. Aren't buddy classes awesome? Good work Ruma Kiwi☺

  3. Looks like you're having lots of fun. Aren't buddy classes awesome? Good work Ruma Kiwi☺

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Ruma Kiwi
    We would like your help in Ruma Kea! We have started a padlet - to brainstorm things that we can come dressed up for on Wednesday. Can you add this document to help us with our ideas please?

  6. Hi Ruma Kiwi,
    Looks like your're having a great time with your buddy class. Little people and big people do make a good team. From Aimee and Caitlin ( In ruma Kakariki )

  7. Hi Ruma Kiwi,
    In Takahe we also had fun with our buddy class. We had to make some cardboard toys for Mrs Case's pet bunnies.
    Cameron (in Ruma Takahe)
